Sonya was afraid when she found out she was pregnancy unexpectedly.

She began to think about getting an abortion.

This was not the first time Sonya faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She had an abortion six years ago, so she started to think abortion was her only option again.

Sonya searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She agreed to come in for an initial appointment the next day.

Sonya walked through the doors alone, and she arrived feeling nauseous.

She sat down with a nurse to hear about the risks of abortion, especially since she already had one in her past.

Sonya opened up about her concerns, and decided to bring the father of her baby back for another ultrasound.

She learned that she was 7 weeks along in her pregnancy.

Sonya and her boyfriend seemed excited when they saw their baby moving on the screen.

After seeing the life inside of her, Sonya and her boyfriend chose life for their precious baby!

Praise Jesus!