Sophia is a young, 15-year-old teenager who found out she was pregnant with her boyfriend.

She was scared when she found out she was pregnant.

Her boyfriend, who is also a 15-year-old, felt the same way.

They wanted to find out more information about their options, so Sophia searched on her phone and Googled questions about abortion.

She stumbled upon a Heroic Media ad, and was directed to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San

Sophia came in for an appointment with her mother and boyfriend the next day.

After seeing her 12-and-a-half-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen, Sophia and her boyfriend decided they could not go through with an abortion.

Sophia was given information about needed assistance and how to apply for Medicaid.

She also received referrals for a doctor. We are so thankful Sophia was connected to a life-affirming center in her time of need!