Tabitha faced an unplanned pregnancy for the second time.

She felt alone and scared when she found out that she was pregnant.

Tabitha had an abortion a year ago, and thought this was her only option again.

She was no longer with the father of the baby.

Tabitha searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked a Heroic Media ad on Google.

She called the number on the screen that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Tabitha agreed to come in to the center to confirm her pregnancy and get an ultrasound.

When she saw her baby on the screen she said, “I had no idea my baby was this formed at 12 weeks.”

Tabitha was counseled by the staff, but shared that she already had an appointment scheduled for an abortion the following week.

She waited in the reception area for the person picking her up at the center, and kept looking at the images of her baby.

Tabitha was moved when she saw one of the images showing her baby “waving” at her.

She called the center the next day saying that she wants to parent her baby!

We are so grateful to hear that Tabitha had the courage to choose life for her child!