Tae was in the middle of going through a divorce when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She was overwhelmed because of the timing, and she was afraid of taking on the responsibility of a single parent.

Tae did not want to tell the father of her baby, however, she told a close friend.

Tae started to consider getting an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our
Pregnancy Help Center partners in Texas.

She spoke on the phone with a receptionist for a few minutes before scheduling an appointment to come in a few days later.

Tae thought she was set on having an abortion when she walked in for her appointment.

She did not want to discuss other options until finding out how far along she was in her pregnancy.

Tae met with a nurse, and had an ultrasound.

The ultrasound revealed that she was in her second trimester.

She found out she was having a son, and her mind instantly changed.

Tae decided to continue her pregnancy!

She is expected to give birth on June 30, 2018.

Praise Jesus!