Taya is a 27-year-old woman who is the mother of a 3-year-old.

She found out she was pregnant unexpectedly, and instantly thought about getting an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She set up an appointment, and came in a few days later.

Taya opened up about her past experience with abortion.

She shared that she had a medical abortion in June, and a surgical abortion about ten years ago.

Taya felt like she had no other option because she did not have a job or her own place to live.

She shared that she already had an abortion appointment scheduled.

Taya had an ultrasound, and her baby measured around 7 weeks.

Taya left that day saying she was torn between an abortion and parenting.

The staff followed up with her, and eventually spoke with her over the phone.

She shared that she will parent her child!

Praise God for giving Taya courage to say yes to life!