At age 19, Taylor faced an unintended pregnancy.

She told her mother about the news, and her mother was terrified.

She told Taylor that she should “take care of it” by getting an abortion.

Taylor told her boyfriend, and he responded the same way.

She felt pressure even though she did not think she wanted to get an abortion.

Taylor turned to her phone for answers.

She Googled information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in for an appointment the next day.

During the appointment, the counselor discussed abortion risks and procedures with Taylor.

The counselor also talked about the support available for her and her baby.

Taylor kept saying she could not continue the pregnancy.

She was referred for an ultrasound. After seeing her baby on the screen, Taylor decided she wanted to have her baby!

The doctor told her she was 14 weeks along, and she could not stop thinking of her baby moving in her womb.

We are so thankful Taylor was connected to a life-affirming center to provide the help she and her baby needed!