Taylor is a young woman who was scared and confused when she faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She is the mother of one child already, and felt overwhelmed after she found out she was expecting again.

Taylor sought information on the internet about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Taylor called the phone number she saw on her screen, and was immediately connected to a receptionist.

She set up a time to come in with her boyfriend to talk about her options.

Taylor came in seeking answers about her pregnancy and abortion procedures.

She was grateful to learn about procedures and risks so she could weigh her options.

Taylor had an ultrasound after the counseling session.

She and her boyfriend seemed excited when they heard the heartbeat and saw their moving baby on the screen.

Taylor left undecided.

The staff followed up with her a few days later to see where she was in her decision process.

Taylor stated she will parent her baby!

Praise God for connecting Taylor and her boyfriend to a life-affirming clinic who provided the help she needed!