Taylor is a 20-year-old who found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is married with a 10-month-old baby, and did not think she would get pregnant so soon after giving birth to her first baby.

Taylor was overwhelmed when she saw a positive pregnancy test at home.

She told her husband, and they both began to consider abortion.

Taylor searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion shortly after their conversation.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Taylor called the number she saw on the screen, and she and her husband agreed to come in for an appointment.

During the first part of the appointment, Taylor had a pregnancy test confirmation and an ultrasound.

She was 6 weeks pregnant.

After the ultrasound, Taylor and her husband had a change of heart.

They became excited about the pregnancy, and decided they could love this child just like their 10-month-old.

Praise God for giving these young parents the courage to say yes to life!