Taylor visited one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas after searching on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call our partner.

Taylor works full-time as a hairdresser and cosmetologist.

She was considering an abortion because of financial concerns.

Her boyfriend did not want her to get an abortion, but the thought could not escape her mind.

After speaking on the phone with the receptionist, Taylor and her boyfriend came in a couple days later for an appointment.

During the initial appointment, Taylor left undecided about what she wanted to do.

A client advocate followed up with her two days later, and Taylor stated they became more open to the idea of parenting.

Taylor said that if they decided to parent, they would come back in for an ultrasound.

By God’s grace, they walked through the doors a few days later for their ultrasound.

Taylor learned that she was 10-weeks along.

She stated that hearing her baby’s heartbeat “lifted her heart.”

They chose life!

Praise be to God!