Tiffany and her boyfriend did not think they would find themselves in a situation facing an unexpected pregnancy, but they did.

They both felt scared, and did not know what to do when they saw the positive test.

She and her boyfriend told their family soon after finding out, and family members on both sides pressured them to abort their baby.

Tiffany searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Tiffany called the phone number she saw on the screen, and agreed to drive an hour and a half from where they lived to this center.

Tiffany met with a counselor to discuss her situation.

She shared that they were not ready to have this baby, and tthey were both doubting their ability to parent.

During the ultrasound, the nurse showed a healthy, 7-week-old baby on the screen.

Tiffany and her boyfriend were amazed at the development of their baby.

Tiffany kept shaking her head to her boyfriend and said, “Don’t worry about this, we can work this out.”

She wiped her tears and began to smile.

They chose life!