At age 23, Tiffany faced an unintended pregnancy.

She and her boyfriend are both college graduates, and have plans to stay together, but they did not envision getting pregnancy.

Tiffany told her boyfriend, and they both agreed to consider looking for options about getting an abortion.

Tiffany searched online for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She texted the number she saw on the screen, and began conversing back and forth with a receptionist.

Tiffany agreed to come in the next day with her boyfriend.

During the appointment, Tiffany was open about her thoughts toward God.

She shared that she and her boyfriend grew up in Christian homes, but have since rejected their faith.

Tiffany was open to hearing about the gospel, but she was still considering an abortion.

She and her boyfriend came back two weeks later for a follow-up ultrasound.

After hearing their 9-week-old baby’s heartbeat, they both decided they could not go through with getting an abortion.

Praise God for this saved life!