Tiffany is a twenty-one year old college student who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

The father of the baby lives in another city, and has a family of his own.

Tiffany’s mother told her that if she got pregnant, she would not speak to her again.

Tiffany felt that the only option was abortion, so she searched online for information about getting one.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Tiffany agreed to come in for an appointment.

The staff met with Tiffany, and listened to her concerns about the pregnancy.

Tiffany had an ultrasound at her appointment, and saw her 11 week-old baby on the screen.

During the ultrasound, Tiffany was emotional.

She knew that she could not abort her child.

Tiffany realized that she was considering an abortion because she wanted to please others more than herself.

She was brave enough to choose life for her baby!

Praise God for saving this baby from abortion!