At 28 years old, Tonya learned that she was pregnant unintendedly.
She is the mother of a 10-year-old and 12-year-old with a different father than this child.
The father of her two older children left them, so Tonya was afraid the same thing would happen with the father of her baby.
She did not feel ready to have another baby, so she turned to the internet, and Googled questions about abortion.
Tonya clicked on Heroic Media’s ad, which led her to fill out an email form that allowed her to get in touch with one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Los Angeles.
Tonya decided to schedule an appointment to come in a couple days later.
During her first appointment, Tonya expressed her concerns and trust issues she was dealing with from her past.
Tonya’s boyfriend wanted her to continue the pregnancy, and assured her that he would be there for her and her baby.
Tonya stated that she lives with her parents, who do not support abortion, but would not be happy to find out she was pregnant.
She was grateful to be counseled and learn about different abortion procedures and risks.
After counsel, Tonya decided to continue her pregnancy.
Praise Jesus!