Tracy faced an unplanned pregnancy for the second time. The first time she got pregnant, she had an abortion.

This time, Tracy considered abortion again because her partner did not want a child, and she was unsure herself.

She searched on her phone almost immediately after finding out about being pregnant for information about getting an abortion.

Tracy clicked on an ad placed by Heroic Media, which led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.

Tracy shared with the counselors that she did not want to experience another abortion, but she felt stuck.

The father of the baby wanted her to either get an abortion or place the baby for adoption.

Tracy scheduled a follow-up appointment for an ultrasound the next day.

When she saw her baby on the screen, she was deeply moved and knew she wanted to carry to term.

She is still unsure about whether she will parent or place her child for adoption, but Tracy chose life for her baby!