Trinity is a 27-year-old who faced a pregnancy suddenly by surprise.

She was terrified when she saw the positive test.

Trinity and her boyfriend had recently met before getting pregnant.

She was not ready to become a parent with him.

After Trinity told her boyfriend, the couple agreed to search online for information about getting an abortion.

They were connected to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Los Angeles after clicking on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad.

Trinity and her boyfriend came in the same day for an appointment.

During the appointment, Trinity learned more information about abortion risks and procedures, along with alternatives to abortion.

She talked about her fears, and the counselors assured her of the support they would provide for her.

Trinity and her boyfriend began to have a change of heart.

After following up with the couple, they stated that they will continue the pregnancy, and parent their baby!

Praise God for this miracle!