Trinity is a 20-year-old who sought information about getting an abortion at 6 weeks pregnant.

She was fearful when she saw her positive pregnancy test, and took the Plan B pill in hopes of preventing her

However, Trinity had a positive pregnancy test, and instantly thought abortion was her best option.

She Googled information online, and was directed to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago
after clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

Trinity scheduled an appointment to come in the same day.

Trinity sat down with a client advocate, and shared all of her fears related to her pregnancy.

She stated that she wanted an abortion because her parents would be upset to find out.

She also felt that a baby would interfere with her college plans, and she did not have a steady relationship with her baby’s father.

However, after discussing her options with the client advocate, and hearing about all of the support from the center, Trinity’s mind slowly began to change.

She saw her 7 week old baby on the ultrasound screen, and chose life for her precious baby!

Praise God!