Victoria is married with a one year old son.

She lives with her uncle because of medical problems, and she cannot take care of her son alone while her husband is at work.

Victoria faced a horrible situation that resulted in a pregnancy.

She went out to eat with a neighbor, and had a seizure while she was out with him.

She woke up with her pants unbuttoned.

Victoria panicked when she found out she was pregnant, so her first thought was to get an abortion.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She agreed to come in for an appointment as soon as she could get in.

Victoria shared her situation with the counselors at the center.

The counselors showed her compassion and explained that she can file a police report.

She found out that she was nearly 13 or 14 weeks pregnant.

After learning more about abortion procedures and fetal development of her child, she did not feel it would be fair to terminate her child’s life, even amidst the tragic circumstances.

Victoria courageously chose life for her baby!