Wendy faced an unplanned pregnancy at age 37.

She was struggling deeply with the decision to parent her child, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Wendy made an appointment, and came in the following day.

She met with the staff at the center, and shared that she was a Christian.

Wendy allowed one of the counselors to show her a video about the effects of abortion.

She also had an ultrasound, but considered having a rescan at a follow-up appointment because the results were inconclusive.

The staff prayed for her before she left.

Wendy called back saying that she wanted to keep her baby!

She stated that she was grateful for the support she received from the center, and was grateful that she was connected to a life-affirming center.

Praise God for saving this miracle baby!